Profissional Hosting

This Gamma of Website Hosting is intended for all types of customers and includes hosting space, email service, MySQL dfamail, base de dados MySQL database, among other services being the most used.

Plano Store Pro 1 2
BD´s MySQL 5 10
Dedicated IP 
SSD Space (website) 10 20
Emails Space 10 20
Subdomains Ilimitados Ilimitados
Parks 5 10
Traffic Ilimitado Ilimitado
Professional AntiSpam  Start Pro
SSL Certificate
Kerio Offer (6months) 1 2
Ativation 50.00€ 50.00€
Monthly 25.00€ 35.00€
Ativation 25.00€ 25.00
Semester 139.00€ 199.00€
Ativation 0.00€ 0.00€
Yearly 259.00€ 369.00€

*Price without IVA

24/7 Customer Support

Contact us

Email Technical Support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Remote Assistance

Remote Access Technical Support. Monday to Friday from 9: 30amp to 18: 30hpm

229 380 950

Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 6:30pm 

Live Chat

Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 6:30pm


  • Praça dos Pescadores, Nr. 41, 9ºDt. 4450-222 Matosinhos Portugal
  • 229 380 950
  • VATID: 505083990

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